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真的愛你 Beyond (Full version on YouTube) . . 呢首歌應該係我細細個嘅時候差不多第一首接觸嘅流行曲 (嗰陣時聽兒歌比較多)。 仲記得嗰次係謝霆鋒喺電視唱比佢媽咪聽。今日係我媽咪生日嘅正日,但係自從返咗嚟香港,呢幾年都冇機會同佢一齊過生日同埋相處嘅時間亦都大大減少。之前喺Think Big天地嘅最後一日主持廠拍攝,唱咗「單車」比爸爸聽,今日就送返首「真的愛你」比媽咪。Happy Birthday Mom!!! 🎂🎉😘❤ . . Here is a happy and sweet song I want to sing for my mom's birthday! It's called "Truly Love You" 👦🏻❤👩🏻 Happy Birthday Mom!!! 🎂😁 . . There's too much negativity in this world... I hope I can spread a little bit of positivity, joy and love through this little video of mine. Even if you don't understand Cantonese, I hope I can still deliver that message to you through my performance 😊 . . Thanks @streetvalue & @marshallheaphones for the headphones! 🙏🏻🎧😁 Gonna make more music with these new bad boys 👌🏻😎 . . Yup, I recorded this at my bro @johnnyng2004 studio again haha This time, I was in a bigger room 🙏🏻😜 . . New video every other Wednesday! 隔個星期三有新video! 🎵 . . . . . #真的愛你 #Beyond #珍惜眼前人 #treasureyourtime #thisworldneedsmorelove #freeyonmusic #music #hkmusic #hksinger #cantopop #singer #cover #sony #sonya7iii #marshallhk #marshallheadphones #addoil #focus #2019covers #23of26 #3more #ifeeladisneysongcoming #frozen #frozen2 #繼續練琴 #繼續練唱歌 #happybirthday #🎂 #😘

真的愛你 Beyond (Full version on YouTube) . . 呢首歌應該係我細...